Thursday, May 16, 2013

The art of violin bow making

1.       Tight shot of craftsman tying apron.

2.       Tight shot of craftsman rolling up sleeves.

3.       Medium shot of his face. Holding an unfinished bow.

4.       Tight shot of him scraping the bow.

5.       Tight shot of his face while he is scraping.

6.       Tight shot of face during interview.

7.       Angled medium shot of him flexing the unfinished bow.

8.       Tight shot of him knocking the bow with his finger.

9.       Medium angled shot of him looking down the bow.

10.   Shot of him scraping the bow going straight towards the camera.

11.   Same shot but from a side angle and more out of perspective.

12.   Tight shot of him screwing in the bottom tightening pin.

13.   Tight shot of him moving his hand down the bow towards the base.

14.   Tight shot of him pulling the strings horizontally.

15.   Pan shot from his lights down to his work table.

16.   Medium shot of a table with a protractor looking thing on it.

17.   Slow pan in on hammer, file, and knife looking object.

18.   Tight depth shot of a pile of different bows he has made.

19.   Depth shot of unfinished bow with wood shavings in front.

20.   Tight shot of wood used to make bows

21.   Fade into different angle of previous shot (panning)

22.   Depth shot of him picking up a bow (lower half of his body)

23.   Tight shot of him being interviewed

24.   Tight shot of him holding two bows and pointing at them

25.   Depth shot of him looking down both of the bows

26.   Tight shot of him flexing the strings with his finger.

27.   Tight shot of him being interviewed

28.   Medium shot of him lighting the wick.

29.   Medium shot of him burning the bow with the fire.

30.   Another tight interview shot.

31.   Tight shot of him carving the tip with a small blade

32.   Wide shot of him scraping it again

33.   Tight shot of his face while scraping.

34.   Tight shot of him spinning it in his hands.

35.   Tight shot of him spinning the finished unstrung bow in his hands
One similarity I noticed was the use of shots. Both of the articles used a variety of depth shot when the person was being interviewed. Both of the articles had a good use of talking space. The interviewee was never off set unless he or she was moving around a bit. another similarity would be the use of tight shots I noticed in the bow making story the barley used any wide shots. in the movie rental story wide shots were used more but the camera man used a lot of tight and medium shots, just like in the bow making story One major difference I noticed was the use of sound. In the bow making story it had violin playing in the background almost all the time. In the movie rental story it had natural sound throughout the feature along with having interviewed two people instead of one.

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