1. Identify, define, and give an example of the 6 criteria of newsworthiness.
Criteria 1: Unusualness.
Definition: Different, unusual, out of the ordinary.
Example: If a plane departs on time and arrives safely it isn't news. but if it crashes it is.
Criteria 2: Significance.
Definition: Important events ones that effect many people.
Example: Elections, wars, taxes, the economy
Criteria 3: Timeliness.
Definition: News that happened recently.
Example: Nobody wants to hear about the flood of last year. It will have dried up already.
Criteria 4: Proximity.
Definition: People want to know about near by events.
Example: The Asbestos problem in the local school.
Criteria 5: Prominence
Definition: Well known people or places.
Example: Celebrity arrested for shoplifting
Criteria 6: Human Interest.
Definition: An emotional and personal appeal that draws our interest.
Example: a Veterinarian who specializes in elephants, A sand castle competition.
2. On page 23 it discusses the differences between print journalism and
broadcast journlism. Please describe 3 ways they are different and
explain. in print journalism you choose what you want to read by what sounds interesting, in Broadcast journalism you watch what comes to you. in PJ has more human interest and entertainment features. in BJ it covers more timeliness, unusulaness, and natural disaster oriented stories. In PJ its harder to find or not as current if you can find it. in BJ news is shown typically every night so you can find current information easily.
3. List all the criteria the story we watched at the beginning of class fits under and why. Unusalness. pigs on the highway isn't very common. Significance. A lot of people drive on that road. Timeliness. Happened recently.
4. List all the criteria the 2nd story we watched fits under and why. Unusualness. Blind and Deaf dog together. Timeliness. Dogs looking for a home. Human Interest. Everybody likes dogs.
5. List all the criteria the 3rd story we watched fits under and why. Timeliness. Happened recently. Prominence. involved famous people. Human Interest. Most people are interested in that kind of thing.
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